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提言 [日本語PDFファイル]

大修館書店『英語教育』2017年5月号に掲載された、提言と解説 [日本語PDFファイル PDF file in English]



A proposal for how to use English tests as part of a new entrance exam

[a test evaluating scholastic ability for university entrance applicants; tentative name]

Based on the JLTA official meeting on September 17, 2016, the Committee of the Position Statement on the New University Entrance Examination Policy was founded. After a long discussion, the Committee drafted a proposal regarding the current university entrance examination reform. The draft was approved with some modification by a majority of JLTA officials.

The committee submitted the proposal (“A proposal for how to use English tests as part of a new entrance exam [a test evaluating scholastic ability for university entrance applicants; tentative name]”) to the Ministry of Education on January 4, 2017. The committee wrote an article on the proposal and its annotations. It appeared in Eigo Kyouiku (The English Teachers’ Magazine) from Taishukan in the May 2017 issue.

Proposal [PDF file of the Proposal in Japanese]

English version of the manuscript submitted to the May 2017 issue of The English Teachers’ Magazine [PDF file in English]


・All the JLTA Journal articles are open to public on the J-Stage platform.


・All the past JLTA newsletters (except for the one published within half a year) are open to public on the JLTA website.

ニュースレター (Newsletter)


国際言語テスト学会 実施ガイドライン

Workshop Materials

A) 日本言語テスト学会(JLTA) 第16回全国研究大会のプレワークショップのハンドアウト by Yo In’nami (Shibaura Institute of Technology)

    • ワークショップ「探索的因子分析 (Exploratory Factor Analysis)」のハンドアウト

B) 日本言語テスト学会(JLTA)第15回全国研究大会ワークショップ

C) Material for the language testing workshop Thrasher, R. (2002).

Nagano: Japan Language Testing Association
Handout used for the workshop

D) “An introduction to structural equation modeling for vocabulary research”
At 8th JACET Vocabulary Acquisition Research Group Conference (December 10, 2011)
By Dr. Yo In’nami (Toyohashi University of Technology)



監修: 日本言語テスト学会運営委員会
執筆・編集: JLTA Language Testing 用語集委員会
0. Cover
1. Preface
2. Background
The JLTA Bilingual List of Language Testing Termsの背景
3. The JLTA Bilingual List of Language Testing Terms (English to Japanese)
4. The JLTA Bilingual List of Language Testing Terms (Japanese to English)
5. The JLTA Code of Good Testing Practice (English)
6. 日本言語テスト学会 テスティングの実施規範 (日本語)
7. Epilogue