【定 員】:100名(定員となり次第,受付終了とさせていただきます)
【申 込】:参加を希望される方は2025年2月22日(土)までに下記の申し込みフォームにてお申し込みください。開催日の数日前にはZoomリンク等をメールにてお知らせいたします。
【概 要】下記にある英語での概要をご覧ください。
【日 程】
11:30-12:00 受付
12:00 -12:05 開会・趣旨説明
12:05 -12:45 講演
講師:Dr John M. Norris(ETS Japan)
12:45-12:55 質疑応答
12:55-13:00 閉会
Japan Language Testing Association (JLTA) 58th Research Meeting
[Date and Time]: March 1, 2025 (Saturday) 12:00-13:00
[Format]: Online via Zoom
[Participation Fee]: Free
[Capacity]: 100 participants (Registration will close once the capacity is reached)
[Registration]: Those wishing to participate should apply by February 22, 2025, using an application form below. We will let you know a Zoom account we will be using via email.
Link to the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Y8qEbJsvhekJWPQvgbxGqSoRGjSIy5jVuNqAcZDetus/edit?ts=6746f3b6
[Theme]: Task-based language performance assessment and the meaning of language education
Language education is meaningful to the extent that it develops learners’ abilities to communicate effectively in the target language for diverse purposes, in a variety of contexts, and with distinct audiences. Task-based language teaching (TBLT) offers a comprehensive approach to language education that emphasizes both the meaning-making orientation of language ability and the meaningfulness of experiential pedagogy. A product of TBLT and developments in domain of performance assessment, task-based language performance assessment (TBLPA) supports the meaningfulness of language education by eliciting and evaluating performance on tasks that reflect real-world contexts, audiences, purposes, and challenges for communication. TBLPA helps make real the ultimate meaning and value of learning a language. In this talk, I explore the relationship between TBLPA and language education, emphasizing how task design and the interpretation of task performance can promote meaningful language teaching and learning. I draw on examples of innovative tasks used in large-scale English proficiency testing as well as classroom-based assessments, including recent technology-mediated task types, to illustrate the important roles of TBLPA. I also consider the implications of adopting—or ignoring—task-based assessments in relation to the meaning of language education in the current era.
11:30-12:00 Registration
12:00-12:05 Opening and Purpose Explanation
12:05-12:45 Lecture
Speaker: Dr. John M. Norris (ETS Japan)
12:45-12:55 Q&A
12:55-13:00 Closing
[Contact Information:]
JLTA Research Meeting Executive Committee: Hideaki Oka (Nagano Prefectural University)
Email: oka.hideaki@u-nagano.ac.jp