The 27th JLTA Annual Conference (JLTA 2024): Call for Papers & Annoucement of Workshop




詳細については、下記のリンク、研究大会ホームページやCall for Papers、各要綱をご確認ください。

The Japan Language Testing Association (JLTA) invites presentation proposals for its annual conference. We look forward to receiving your proposals related to the conference theme and to language testing and assessment in general.

At this year’s conference, the keynote speech and symposium will be presented in Japanese. However, as usual, we welcome proposals for presentations in English, too.

Each presenter will have 20 minutes to present his/her research paper or assessment practice report, followed by a 10-minute discussion. Note that each participant can present multiple times, but only once as the first presenter.

Please refer to the links below detailed information of the coference and the workshop.


Conference Website(English)

Call for Papers


Workshop Information(English)

Call for Papers (Application via Google Forms)

Workshop registration (Via Google Forms)