JLTA Journal Volume 27 – Call for Papers

2024年4月7日より,JLTA Journal volume 27号 の投稿が可能となりました。



問い合わせ先は学会誌編集事務局 (jlta-edit@bunken.co.jp) となります。



We are now welcoming papers for the JLTA Journal volume 27.
Please visit the first link to review the journal’s submission guidelines and access the template. Once your manuscript is prepared, you can submit it through the second link.

・Submission procedures/ Journal guidelines: http://jlta2016.sakura.ne.jp/?page_id=62
・Online Submission and Review System: https://iap-jp.org/jlta/journal/login

Submission period: April 7 to May 7
Contact information of the JLTA editing office: jlta-edit@bunken.co.jp

Thank you for considering this opportunity. We look forward to receiving your submission and your work becoming a part of the JLTA Journal.