



〒036-8560 青森県弘前市文京町1


横内裕一郎研究室 (郵送時には必ず研究室名まで書いてください)

TEL: 0172-36-2111(代表)

e-mail: u16yoko@gmail.com

URL: http://jlta.ac/

JLTA Journal template updated ジャーナル・テンプレート更新

JLTA Journal template has been updated.



投稿方法、執筆要項 Submission procedures, Journal Guidelines

執筆要項 Journal Guidelines (Updated on January 12, 2020)
下線部が前の執筆要項からの変更点 (Underlined parts show revised areas in the guidelines).

ジャーナル・テンプレート Journal Template (Updated on March 10, 2020)
日本語版 English version

投稿方法、執筆要項 Submission procedures, Journal Guidelines


Information on JLTA 2019 (Sep. 11 and 12)

Information on JLTA 2019 (Sep. 11 and 12)

JLTA 2019 (Sep. 11 and 12) [PDF]

JLTA会員の皆様 (English follows Japanese.)




大会URL  http://jlta2016.sakura.ne.jp/?page_id=18



参加費は1,000円です。10時45分頃から4 号館4108PCL教室付近で受付を開始します。



8時20分から1 号館 2 階ホールで受付を開始します。



登録カード記入 → 窓口持参 → 名札記入


  1. 記入台に置いてある、会員用登録カード(白色)に必要事項をご記入ください。


  1. 登録カードを会員用受付窓口までお持ちください。
  2. 参加費1,000円をお支払いください。懇親会参加の方は追加で3,000円をお支払いください。
  3. プログラム(発表要綱)が入ったバックと名札をお受け取りになり,記入台にて名札にご記入ください。







JLTA 2019全国研究大会事務局

小泉利恵 rie-koizumi@mwa.biglobe.ne.jp





Dear JLTA members,

We would like to inform you of how to register at reception at JLTA 2019.


Conference URL  http://jlta2016.sakura.ne.jp/?page_id=18


◎Reception for Workshop on Sep. 11 (Wed.)

The attendance fee is 1,000 yen. The registration will start from around 10:45 near 4108PCL, 4th building.



◎Conference reception on Sep. 12 (Thu.)

The registration will start from 8:20 in Hallway, 2nd floor, 1st building.


How to register at conference reception (We have on-site registration only.)

Fill out the registration card → Bring it to the reception.

 → Fill out the name card.


  1. Please fill out the registration card (White for JLTA members) on the fill-out desk.

*Check the party attendance on the card if you would like to attend the banquet.

  1. Bring it to the reception for JLTA members ((1) (2) JLTA Members Desk).
  2. Pay the conference attendance fee of 1,000 yen. The banquet fee is 3,000 yen.
  3. Receive a bag with the program (conference handbook) and a name card. Fill it out and wear it throughout the conference.


Things to be noted

・We have on-site registration for the banquet only. There are a limited number of seats for the banquet. Please purchase the ticket at your earliest convenience on Sep. 12 (Thu.).

・You will receive the name card with a seal if you pay the banquet fee.


We are looking forward to seeing you all on the conference days.



JLTA 2019 Annual Conference Secretariats

Rie KOIZUMI rie-koizumi@mwa.biglobe.ne.jp










【場所】常葉大学静岡草薙キャンパス A棟3階 A306教室














趣旨説明・講演者紹介:13:00~13:10 坂本勝信(常葉大学)

講  演:13:10~15:10  神吉宇一(武蔵野大学・日本語教育学会副会長)


休  憩:15:10~15:30

事例発表:15:30~16:00 内山夕輝(浜松国際交流協会)


調査発表:16:00~16:30  谷誠司(常葉大学)


フロアーを交えてのディスカッション:16:30~17:00  坂本勝信(常葉大学・司会進行)

閉会行事:17:00~17:05 閉会の辞 中村洋一(清泉女学院短期大学・JLTA副会長)




【申し込み】 参加を希望される方は、10月 12 日(土)までに下記の申し込みフォーム




【問い合わせ先】 谷誠司(常葉大学) taniseiji@sz.tokoha-u.ac.jp




JLTA 2019 (22nd conference) 要綱(program)



今回も基調講演・シンポジウムが英語でなされ、Korea English Language Testing Association (KELTA) からの発表者もお呼びします。

大会発表要綱 (Conference program): 完全版 (Full) (2019年8月27日修正版)





Call for Papers – Special issue of Frontiers in Psychology – Frontiers in Language Assessment and Testing

Call for Papers – Special issue of Frontiers in Psychology – Frontiers
in Language Assessment and Testing

Frontiers in Language Assessment and Testing
Submission Deadlines
17 July 2019 Abstract
18 December 2019 Manuscript
Topic Editors

Vahid Aryadoust
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University

Thomas Eckes
Ruhr University Bochum
Bochum, Germany

Yo In’nami
Chuo University
Hachioji, Japan

Language assessment specialty has grown in sophistication and scope in
the past four decades. The hallmark of the new era in the field is the
development of new theoretical constructs along with novel approaches
to assessment, the application of modern technologies, and the
emergence of interdisciplinary research in the field.
The significance of interdisciplinary approaches to assess writing and
speaking via computer-mediated methods and integrative language skills
has been recognized and ongoing research is addressing socio-cognitive
demands concerning the different uses of language. In addition, the
validity of the use and interpretation of test scores in assessments
is still one of the central issues in language assessment. There has
been an unprecedented demand for innovation in validation methods.

This Research Topic stands as a response to these needs:

It aims to provide a comprehensive review of the contemporary trends
in language assessment and suggest novel approaches for the future
development of the field. It will further include empirical studies
addressing one of the main topics of interest as follows:

1. Assessing reading and listening comprehension skills
2. Assessing speaking and writing skills
3. Assessing integrative language skills
4. Assessing language for specific or academic purposes
5. Assessing language interpretation and/or translation skills
6. Assessing sign languages
7. Application of modern technologies (e.g., neuroimaging and eye
tracking) and computer-mediated assessment methods
8. Application of quantitative methods including, but not limited to,
item response theory, multivariate techniques, and Rasch measurement
9. In-class assessments
10. Rater effects in performance assessment
11. Validity and validation
12. Further topics related to language assessment

Interested authors are invited to submit an abstract of their work
(150 – 200 words) by 17 July 2019 via the following website:
Multiple article types are expected to be included in this collection.

Keywords: Assessing comprehension, Verbal production assessment,
Quantitative methods, Interpretation assessment, Assessing Integrative
Language skills
Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be
within the scope of the section and journal to which they are
submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves
the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable
section or journal at any stage of peer review.
